October 2015

Due to an ever changing landscape in electrical consumption and load management, an existing customer (major hospital in NYC) has decided to revamp the entire Emacx intelligent Peak Load Conrol (iPLC) system to our new state of the art technology. Along with that project, we installed an additional 20 VFDs throughout their 3 major buildings. The simple payback for the entire installation and BMS integration was below one year. The associated kW reduction is over 800 kW.

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September 2015

Our current customer of 2 years has decided that the savings at their current location in Manhattan has been so consistent that they signed a contract to install our system at another location in Westchester. This installation is complete and the building now has a carbon footprint reduction of 32,681 lbs. equal to 33,011 kWh savings.

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June 2015

Another hospital, this time in Queens has contracted to install the Emacx system and 45 new VFDs in 3 buildings. This project will save the hospital hundreds of thousands of dollars each year and a carbon footprint reduction of over 1,155,270 lbs.

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March 2015

Emacx has been awarded yet another contract from one of the nation’s most comprehensive academic health care delivery systems. We have installed our system and 15 new VFDs in 8 buildings. They will have an estimated kWh savings of over 622,506 kWh and an estimated dollar savings of almost $230,000 yearly.

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August 2014

One of the nation’s largest hospitals with multiple medical buildings in NYC has awarded a contract to Emacx Systems, Inc. for the installation of our iPLC system and 42 new VFDs.

This major installation has a simple payback of less than 2 years.

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March 2014

A major financial institution with a high end property occupying a total area of 1,000,000 square feet has signed a contract with Emacx to install our intelligent Peak Load Control System with a payback less than one year.

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December 2013

One of the oldest insurance companies located in NYC contracted Emacx to install our intelligent Peak Load Control System in their landmark building. The ROI for the project is less than one year.

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August 2013

Emacx has installed its iPLC system along with multiple VFDs in a 15-story office building in midtown Manhattan.
The resulting carbon foot print reduction is over 715,000 lbs. This energy conservation measure (ECM) will drive cost avoidance, generate DR revenue and helps the building owner to achieve its LEED designation.

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