NYC Clients

Your Answer to Local Law 97

Strict greenhouse gas emission standards have come to New York City. For owners of 25,000 sf. properties or more, the clock is ticking on becoming compliant – or facing fines. Find out how Aciex Pulse gives you the tools to monitor compliance at global and granular levels.

Get Compliant

What’s your renewables strategy?

Wind. Solar. If you’ve seized on your property’s latent abilities to capture energy through microgrids, are you maximizing ROI? With Aciex Flex, you can. Learn about the microgrid solution that helps you balance demand, maintain stability and achieve specific load goals.

Plan Smarter

Free demos, valuable insights

Discover how the Emacx portfolio of real time intelligent software solutions can transform the way you manage energy resources and load. Schedule your free demo of any solution to learn how we’ve helped enterprises like yours think smarter – and more profitability – about energy management.

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Why choose Emacx?

In a world that demands results, Emacx delivers. We’re one of the only providers of real time, fully-automated demand side and microgrid energy management solutions.

These next-generation software solutions give you the power to intelligently manage your energy consumption. Smart algorithms help you control the timing and quantity of electricity use in real time, without degrading mission-critical operations.

Fortune 500 companies across industries trust our award-winning team of energy management software engineers and business advisors. Each day, we have our sights set on market trends and your needs to optimize our offerings. Let’s talk today.


There are a LOT of other companies showing customers a pathway to closed loop control, but it is usually proposed as a multi-project phased approach and rarely gets implemented to completion.

…A lot of companies proposing analytics and energy management, some with spectacular graphics and great analysis tools. If you can’t automatically close the loop with automated controls that reduce loads in a timely manner while protecting the overall functionality of the system, you are just wasting your time.

Director, Load Management
Commercial and Industrial Energy Solutions