Aciex Pro
Automated intelligence to control demand and costs
Your buildings are about to get considerably smarter. With Aciex Pro from Emacx Systems, you’ll have automatic real time demand control to curtail electrical load assets and lower your energy costs.
Aciex Pro’s advanced algorithms help you reduce peak load and save money. It also includes dynamic target change and progressive curtailment for peak load reduction – without compromising production or operations.
Cumulative benefits driving tangible savings
Aciex Pro gives you the power to intelligently manage energy consumption, adjusting timing and quantity of electricity use in real-time. It’s a single solution that delivers the financial benefits of intelligent demand response plus integration of real-time pricing and smart metering.
Aciex Pro Benefits:
- Automatically curtail electrical load assets in real time
- Reduce energy use
- Achieve substantial cost savings
- Increase earnings potential for demand response events
- Reduce human errors and empower smarter decisions
- Fully integrate with any BMS
Aciex Pro Features:
- Sophisticated user interface displays up to 80 user-defined windows
- Algorithms for profiling, predicting, prioritizing and curtailing
- Wide variety of alert and alarm notifications via email and SMS
- Real-time savings and load factor improvement windows
- Cloud capabilities
- Seamless integration with Aciex Impact (DR Event Manager) and Aciex Pulse (NYC Local Law 97 Carbon Foot Print Monitoring Software)